Sunday, February 13, 2011

Onion Seedlings (5 weeks)

I wanted to try to document the progress of my onion seedlings in 2 week intervals, but because I was rather down about my lack of fertilizer in my potting soil mix/over watering issues, I wanted to track any improvement one week later after I  took emergency action (!).

The yellow stems have now dried and curled and the new green shoots that were just starting out a week later have really taken off. I mixed half of the recommended dose of Miraclegro in a gallon of water and have watered carefully both the onions and the leeks (the leeks don't seem to have as much of an issue with turning yellow). I pretty much have been pouring about 1 cup or 2 into the dish and walking away. If the soil doesn't appear to have soaked up enough water then I will water again, but really, I think this is the best approach to make sure the soil isn't too moist. I know there are some hints I have seen here and there that state that if you probe the soil with your finger, you should be able to detect moisture at the first knuckle. Frankly, I don't trust my tactile response yet.
1 week after applying emergency fertilizer!