Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Something from 2010

One of the major accomplishments from last year was designing with my Dad a more suitable and durable tomato cage. I haven't gotten pruning down yet (I get distracted), and most of the time, my tomatoes become writhing masses like something found in a Monster Manual. So to contain them, I bought cattle fencing from Fleet Farm and cut them with heavy duty wire cutters into three panels. I then connected each panel  with zip ties to make a folding triangle. Thus, each cage could be stored away easily after the season.

Each cage was staked with curved pieces of metal lat the bottom of each panal left over from my Grandfather that I found in the garage. The cages held up very well through several nasty storms, however, they do take up a bit of room. Since I haven't committed to shaping and pruning my tomatoes like shrubs yet, it will do for next year.

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